Head coach – Mo Bryan (4th year)
Home matches – Brookside Country Club
Last season – 15-0 EPC, 18-2 overall; EPC regular-season champs (fourth in last five years; District XI champs (first since 2015); PIAA subregional qualifer
Players lost to graduation – Mitch Machulsky (EPC runner-up, District XI champ), Luke Lanzone, Daniel Capri
Players returning: Jr. Michelle Cox (EPC Champion, District XI runner-up, 13th place PIAA Tourn.), Jr. Sean Jaeger, Jr. Nathan Seidel, So. Aiden LeBlanc (7th place EPC Tourn), So Matt Zerfass (4th place District XI), Sr. Nick Thoma, So. Andrew Taskalos, So. Laci King
Newcomers: Jr. John Keba, Jr. Colin Wong, Jr. Donovan Egge, So. Patrick Bova, So. Quinn Scott, Fr. Avery Salley
Coach Bryan: “I’m very excited for the upcoming season. I’m confident I have a strong group of kids coming back and adding in newcomers like John (Keba) and Colin (Wong) really adds depth to our team. It gives the kids confidence when they play a match and even if it may not be there day, they know they have other kids here that have there back. With the depth we have it’s going to make everybody more relaxed and play better.”
Season-opener: Thursday, August 15 @ Bethlehem Municipal vs Liberty/Northampton (8:15 am)
Key dates:
EPC Tournament (Sept. 23) – Olde Homestead Golf Club
District XI Qualifier (Sept. 30 ) – Olde Homestead Golf Club
District XI Tournament (Oct. 7 ) – Steel Club, Hellertown