The Emmaus High School boys basketball team will host their 3rd annual golf tournament on Saturday, April 27 at Wedgewood Golf Course in Coopersburg
Registration for the 18-hole event will take place at 11:30 a.m. with a shotgun start of 1 p.m.
The event will include golf followed by a dinner in the pavilion. There will also be prizes and awards given and contests for the closest to the pin, along with straight and long drive.
The early bird rate (by March 30) is $85 per golfer. After March 30, the rate is $90 per golfer.
For more information, contact Sylvia Boyd at (610) 662-7091/sylvia.e.boyd@gmail.com or Lori Witkowski at (610) 984-2492/witkowla72@yahoo.com
The Hornet Hoop Club thanks you for your participation and support of the boys basketball program.
Like Emmaus boys basketball on facebook, follow @Emmaussports on twitter for continued updates on the tournament.